Essential things you should know about B2B demand generation marketing

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Demand generation

Every business strives to stand out from the competition and gain as many customers as possible. Brand supremacy is, more often than not, associated with impressive performance since popularity attracts more consumers.

Well, the B2B marketing team is responsible for all these tasks, and they work around the clock, trying to find new beneficial ways.

One of the main aspects of any B2B marketing strategy is demand generation. In simple terms, this is the process of making potential customers interested in the products you are offering. Its subset is lead generation, which involves the conversion of this interest into tangible data, such as contact details. This article aims to enlighten you on the fundamentals of B2B demand generation marketing.

Buyer Personas Is Crucial

Before you can start selling your agenda, you should first know who you’re talking to. Almost a third of B2B marketers always don’t know exactly who is the recipient of their message. This blind strategy works perfectly for other fronts, but you’ll be struggling with demand generation. Before you even start planning on your campaigns, you must have your buyer personas in place.

In fact, almost every demand generation agency you hire would like to know who is your target audience. Therefore, it’s imperative that you define your audience through social, economic, and political factors. Some of the things to note include age bracket, gender, and, sometimes, societal beliefs.

Brand Authenticity Shouldn’t Be Taken Lightly

Another thing you should know about demand generation is the fact that it highly depends on brand identity and authenticity. As the economy and technology advances, more opportunities are created. As such, some people may take advantage of the situation to grow themselves through crooked ways. Due to this, it would be quite difficult for most potential consumers to believe a business at a glance.

So, how authentic is your brand? To convert demand to leads and, then, to real customers, you must have an identifiable and authentic brand. Over three quarters of customers prefer working with an honest brand personality. Therefore, building a recognizable brand is key to B2B demand generation marketing. As you start, ask yourself if what’s the story of your brand. What does it represent? Why should people consider it the best solution? By answering these questions, you’ll be a step closer to an effective demand generation campaign.

The Way You Relay The Message Matters

One of the most important components of demand generation campaign is the message passed. This goes hand in hand with building your brand. So, how do you ensure that the message passed moves your potential clients? Well, always make sure that you’re trying to solve an existing problem. In addition, don’t forget to say how your products bring the solution because that’s what many people are interested in. Generally, the things you need to keep in mind before you can generate a message are your key personas, industry, as well as your business.

Demand Generation And Inbound Marketing Are Not The Same

Perhaps, two of the most confusing phrases in the world of business are demand generation and inbound marketing. It’s worth noting that these are two different terms, which is contrary to a popular misconception. By definition, inbound marketing is a methodology that uses pull marketing, such as SEO and social media, to attract new business. Therefore, it’s safe to say that it’s a method of implementing demand generation, which, by itself, is a function.

So, if you’re planning to start your B2B demand generation campaign, make sure to utilize the right inbound marketing tactics. At the end of the day, you’ll no longer be looking for customers, but they will come looking for you. That’s one of the most significant advantages if inbound marketing apart from the fact that the message will reach many people.

It Leads To Data-Driven Decision Making

As earlier mentioned, the main component of demand generation is how you go about solving an existing problem. You should take this as an experiment because it can go both ways. Therefore, at the end of the campaign, take the results and use them to either support or disprove your hypothesis. Once you have a conclusive statement, you can continue testing until you have all your questions answered. It might take time, but the final decision you’ll make will be based on tangible results. As such, it will optimize your channel and strengthen your lead generation efforts.

Bottom Line

Your B2B marketing team are among the busiest people in your business. They’re always looking for ways to attract more customers, and one of them is through demand generation. Among the most important things you should know about demand generation is the fact that it largely relies on brand authenticity. Also, how you plan to solve an existing problem could make or break the campaign. At the end of the day, the results of your marketing efforts will play a huge role in your final decision making.