The secret behind a successful lead-generation campaign

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The economic destruction caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and extended lockdown has created difficult trading conditions for many companies in South Africa.

With thousands of businesses closing their doors, South African IT and telecoms companies have lost many of their clients during the lockdown.

To compensate for the lost revenue, companies have to sign up new clients – which in the current economic environment is easier said than done.

Many companies and consumers are under financial pressure and selling new products to them is difficult.

The marketing and sales process is further constrained by smaller advertising budgets and less resources.

It is therefore no surprise that most ICT companies are moving their marketing budgets to online and digital advertising, which produce a much higher return-on-investment.

The fact that South Africans are now spending more time online than ever before – especially consuming online news – further explains the rapid move to online advertising.

Creating a sustainable lead-generation campaign

Many companies who contact MyBroadband for advertising campaigns are only interested in generating leads.

This is understandable, because of pressure on companies to generate sales, but it is not an optimal or sustainable solution.

The best way to explain it is to see a potential client as a person you want to marry. Nobody walks up to a stranger and asks them “Will you marry me?”.

Instead, you first introduce yourself, give them a chance to know you, create a bond, and then, when they are ready, you ask them to marry you in the hope that they will say “yes”.

This is the same with new clients. They should get to know your company first and have trust in the brand before you ask them to buy your products or services.

  1. Introduce your company using articles and social media promotions
  2. Create brand awareness and trust using display advertising and case studies
  3. Launch a content marketing campaign to generate leads

This tried and tested method to build a sustainable marketing campaign has proven to be very successful for many MyBroadband clients.

Great tools to help you

One of the questions which many people have is how they know where potential clients are in the marketing and sales cycle.

The good news is there are now tools available to help companies to accurately track a potential customer’s full online journey.

From the moment that you publish your first article and it is posted to social media, you can track who interacted with your content.

After they read your article or saw your social media post, you can start to display advertising to them and show them case studies to build trust.

You then track their reactions to these campaigns, and when you are confident they know and trust your company, you target them with lead-generation campaigns.

The whole process is automated, which means you design and set up your campaign once and let it run.

Learn more

To learn more about these tools and how to launch a comprehensive marketing campaign with tracking, contact Kevin Lancaster –

This article was published in partnership with MyBroadband.