How B2B brands can turn their website into their biggest revenue generator

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For senior B2B marketers, the absolute ideal is being able to generate revenue with low-cost marketing initiatives. That’s why 3.8 billion of us use free social media tools, and why so many of us focus our efforts on cost-effective, inbound marketing tactics.

If marketing efficiency is so vital to B2B marketing leaders, then it might surprise you to discover that as much as 98% of your business website traffic is unconverted and anonymous. Every day, engaged potential buyers are searching for businesses just like yours, absorbing your content and showing a legitimate interest in your brand – yet, if they don’t make an on-site enquiry, they go entirely unnoticed.

That leaves sales and marketing teams with just 2% of website leads that enquire.

Today, the most impactful B2B websites are more than flashy digital brochures. Instead, they’re working hard to help sales and marketing functions to fully understand their visitors, utilising intelligent technology to target them directly, instantly and personally.

Enter website intelligence: the key to turning your website into a huge revenue source and converting prospects before your competitors get the chance.

Advanced tools

To step up your game and go beyond basic website analytics, the following advanced tools provide a world of high-end data and valuable insight.

Reverse IP tracking technology: With a small piece of code added to your website, intelligent tracking technology recognises your visitors’ unique business IP address, monitors their on-site behavior and reveals their identity by matching IP information to a comprehensive database. The best tools will provide users with accurate contact details and firmographic information, too – giving B2B marketers everything they need to turn unknown visitors into sales-ready leads.

Real-time alerts: To boost revenue created by your website, capitalising on the power of immediacy is a must. Use innovative tech to set specific alerts that tell you when a high influx of traffic is viewing your site, when a campaign is doing exceptionally well, or even when a hot pipeline prospect or existing customer has landed on your website. Reach out instantly – eliminating any competition and striking while the iron is hot.

Mouse tracking heat-maps: Track clicks, mouse movement, scrolls, forms and more to provide you with a detailed picture of how visitors are using your site, enabling you to assess its effectiveness and make changes where necessary.

What can you achieve?

IP tracking is every B2B marketer’s secret weapon but remains an underused and often misunderstood tool. Lead Forensics, for example, is a leader in B2B IP tracking technology, supporting B2B companies of all shapes and sizes for more than a decade. For a full break down of all the ways the innovative solution could supercharge your site, check out 11 Benefits of Lead Forensics’ IP Tracking Software.

Use reverse IP tracking to amplify your account-based marketing (ABM) strategy. Get notified when key accounts land on your site, discover how long they spend there and what they’ve been looking at. Users can even set up alerts for certain on-site activity – such as when a particular visitor has looked at a specific page or repeated visits. Timing is everything – so, use this to alert your sales team to quickly contact the relevant decision-maker while they’re in ‘buying mode’.

The solution can also provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of your content marketing materials — helping you identify if it’s fit for your buyers and their journey. See who is visiting your site, which pages they explore and how long for. Then, use this to fuel your content creation, personalise your offers, spot areas that require a revamp, boost ROI and encourage engagement. Analysing the path visitors follow will give you insight into what really interests them and whether visitors are behaving as you anticipated.

To truly turn your website into your biggest revenue generator, your departments must be seamlessly aligned. Reverse IP tracking isn’t just valuable to marketers, but also key in strengthening your sales process. Imagine the added value of fuelling sales pitches and follow-ups with knowledge of online behavior and a clearer understanding of your prospect’s wants, needs and interests. Similarly, use high-quality data to qualify and score your leads – so those most likely to convert are prioritised.

Your company website can go far beyond its status as a glorified brochure and even beyond a lead generation and nurturing tool. With the right analytics and IP tracking tools in place, your website can provide you with valuable data that can be used at every stage of the sales process, supporting the efforts of both marketing and sales teams.

Transform your website into the ultimate revenue generator with Lead Forensics – innovative reverse IP tracking technology, advanced analytics, detailed visitor behavior, a global leading database of business IP address and access to accurate decision-maker contact details and firmographic data. Get started with a no obligation, free trial today or see the software in action with a demonstration. Click here to book yours.