How Business Can Utilise CRM to Adapt to the Post-Covid World

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COVID-19 has turned the business world upside down. The crisis will bring some companies to the edge, and unfortunately for some the game will be over. As we move into the next stage of recovery, business leaders need to tread the line between protecting their customers and employees, and safeguarding their own livelihood.

“There are still a lot of challenges to overcome, but preparing for upcoming disruption means minimising its impact.”

The light at the end of the tunnel is dim, but it’s there. Economists are weary about what the immediate future holds, and rightly so. Businesses need to rethink their strategies, have a fair look on how they manage every aspect of their business, focus on developing relationships with existing customers, and innovate ways to get new customers into their pipeline.

Thankfully, nothing is out of our reach with the proficient implementation of technology. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can organise and dynamise whole industries that have been brought to their knees by the crisis. It can help individual companies recover across those three, exact disciplines: new customers, existing relationships, and general post-crisis management.

New Customers

The first thing to understand is that as people face so much uncertainty, pressure, job losses, and new realities, your business will experience a drop in sales and see less leads entering its pipeline. Still, sales need to happen, opportunities need to be pursued, and ultimately growth needs continue. Well, CRM software places sales, new opportunities, and growth before anything else.

With the world working remotely, the gaps in company sales processes have widened. CRM helps businesses close those gaps by ordering and cohering sales processes. If the gaps aren’t there, new prospects and leads will find it much more difficult to fall through them.

How exactly can CRM help?

CRM offers epic flexibility in the features and integrations that a business needs to efficiently and comprehensively find new customers.

New customers are bound to feel some level of uncertainty. The quicker your business can get them into, and moving along the pipeline, the closer they are to making a purchase.

Existing Relationships

Customer-centricity is critical during a crisis, when your existing customers make up a disproportionate share of incoming revenue. If you want to keep your business afloat, it’s essential to invest in maintaining positive relationships with every existing customer. It’s important that each customer is approached with understanding, humility, and empathy at the very least, if you expect them to stick around.

How exactly can CRM help?

The clue is in the question. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.

Post-Crisis Team Management

Employees are the ones that make it work, keep it ticking over, and are the heart and soul of your brand. They deserve protection, empathy, and compassion. The new reality is that companies are starting to embrace work-from-home employment models.

“Econsultancy and Marketing Week’s COVID-19 Business Impact Survey found that 82% of respondents have found new ways of working that they might use post-outbreak, including working from home.”

Working from home helps relieve employee stress of having to commute during a pandemic, protects them from exposure to the virus, and generally gives them more time for themselves. With a balanced approach to working from home and the leveraging of technology to help implement it, we could step out into a much fairer world for our employees.

How exactly can CRM help?

The whole point of CRM is that it places everything in one, centralised place, even if a team isn’t.

How to Choose the Right CRM for Your Business

Choosing a CRM isn’t easy. There are loads of potential tools with heaps of different features. You need to choose one that maps with your business workflows and processes. CRM serves as a hub for sales, marketing, business data, and leverages company growth. Here are a few things that you need to pay attention to when choosing your CRM software.

It might feel as though you need a miracle, but you don’t. You need hard work, nous, and clever implementation of an existing technology to weather the storms ahead. If anything, the coronavirus has taught us that humankind can adapt almost overnight. In the aftermath of this crisis, we need to apply that newly-found adaptability more than ever.

We’re all in the same boat and your recovery is everybody else’s recovery. Good luck.