Own Your Data, Own Your Future

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Own Your Data, Own Your Future

In real estate, your database is the heart of your business. It holds years of relationships with past clients, potential clients, business owners and more—and this list should stick with you wherever you go.

That’s why it’s essential for your real estate CRM to give you total ownership of that data, and empower you to make the most out of those relationships you’ve worked so hard to develop. When investing in a real estate CRM for your business, find one that puts you in control of your income, data and lead generation so you always know where your business stands.

Control Your Income

Without a specific income goal, it’s difficult to determine exactly what you have to do to be successful in real estate. You’ll also feel more motivated when you have an actual finish line to work toward! Your real estate CRM should give you a space to plan these goals so you can gain some clarity in your business. For example, Buffini & Company Referral Maker® CRM prompts users to enter an income goal along with their tax rate, splits, commission amount, business expenses and current sales volume. The software will then calculate the amount you need to earn to reach your goal, and how many transactions you’ll need to close to get there. This way, users have a concrete picture of how much they need to make to reach their goal.

Control Your Database

Current relationships and contacts are critical for a thriving real estate business. These connections are where you will find a majority of your leads—especially when you prioritize working by referral. Your real estate CRM should allow for an easy import of data, and an easy export too, so you aren’t forced to start over again should you ever need to move or switch brokerages. Once the data is in the system, make sure you have a way to rank each contact based on how likely they are to refer you. This way, you can ensure you can streamline your marketing efforts to the right people!

Control Your Lead Generation

Stay in control of your real estate lead generation to ensure that you are running your business—instead of letting it run you. Rather than throwing spaghetti at a wall when it comes to lead generation, look for a real estate CRM that can provide specific, personalized action items so you know exactly what to do each day. This is one of agents’ favorite parts about Referral Maker® CRM—based on income goals and database rankings, the software generates daily action steps to help you generate leads and referrals. Having a system like this is imperative for a successful, long-term business model.

When you are in control of your business, you’re in control of your future! If you need a real estate CRM that puts you in the driver’s seat of your data, check out Referral Maker CRM from Buffini & Company. Sign up for your free trial and see how this productivity tool will help you reach your income goals.