AI marketing technology tools pricing guide 2020

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30-second summary

The amount of data that we collectively produce has reached astronomical levels. For many marketers, deriving critical insights from this mountain of information is like finding a needle in the haystack—so that’s where AI comes in.

By relying on automated algorithms to crunch large datasets, marketers can access continuous insights into their customers and find up-to-date answers to marketing’s two most pressing questions:

How does my audience behave? And how can I appeal to them?

We’re going to explore some of the best AI-based marketing tools currently on the market. We’ll briefly delve into their specific functionality before looking at the different pricing options and plans that are available.

The time is now to invest in a piece of AI-based marketing software. Organizations can no longer afford to waste time, money, and effort on strategies that simply don’t work—especially when the right answers are available with the help of AI.

If you’re looking for a new AI tool to help bolster your marketing campaigns, you’ve come to the right place.

2020’s best AI marketing tools


AI marketing tools

Description: MarketMuse is a content marketer’s dream. This all-in-one, AI-based tool uses artificial intelligence to review your content’s relevance to your primary, secondary, and tertiary keywords.

It outlines specific areas for improvement and gives you actionable recommendations to ultimately boost your search ranking and gain more traffic.

MarketMuse is also great at guiding content creation if you haven’t yet started—simply enter in your proposed topic and it will provide a detailed outline: suggested titles, subheadings, keywords, target length, and more.


It can feel frustrating to continually produce content that performs poorly. However, with MarketMuse, you can make this a thing of the past.

Price: MarketMuse starts at $1,500 a month, so it’s certainly not for the faint-hearted. That said, having the ability to consistently create content that rises to the top of SERPs is worth its weight in gold—so it’s well worth the investment if you’ve got the resources at your disposal.

AI marketing tools

Description: makes the process of building and curating prospect lists… well, seamless. You can search for companies, titles, keywords, and more, and it’ll automatically generate a list of relevant prospects before giving you their contact details.

From there, you can simply automate all your list building and prospecting—and wave goodbye to manual data entry forevermore. Plus, its innovative Predictive Contact AI Recommendation Engine uses machine-learning data to identify the most promising revenue-generating contacts that you need to be targeting. is well worth a shot if you’re looking to rapidly grow your number of contacts, find higher-value contacts, or to generally make sure that you’re reaching out to the right people at all times. Not only is this a powerful tool for marketing, but it’s also a great piece of kit that your sales team is bound to love.

Price: starts at just $49 per user per month for their ‘Unlimited’ package—however, in order to access this plan, you need to buy 20 licenses (which comes out to a total of $980 per month).

There are other pricing options such as their ‘Basic’ plan ($97 per month for 1 user), but your best bet is to get in touch with them directly and discuss your specific needs.


AI marketing tools

Description: Curata is another fantastic tool for content marketers. Simply enter your proposed topic and their AI-based content curation software will scour the web (including social media) looking for the best content to guide and inform your writing—saving you the significant amount of time that you usually spend on research.

As you curate, the software will begin to learn about the sort of content that you like/need/are looking for—so it will get better and better over time.

Once your content has been published, you can view all relevant engagement metrics on Curata’s all-in-one dashboard: helping you figure out precisely what resonates and which topics are best ignored.

Plus, you can wave goodbye to endless spreadsheets by unifying disparate editorial calendar spreadsheets in one easy-to-view place.

Price: Curate keeps its pricing information tightly under wraps. In order to work out precisely what you need, you’ll have to get in touch with them directly yourselves. However,—a B2B software ratings and reviews company—reports that Curate ranges from around $499 – $999 a month.

If you only dabble in content marketing then this probably isn’t the tool for you. However, if content is a major lead generation driver, then Curate should pay itself back in no time at all.


AI marketing tools

Description: Automizy is an AI tool that helps marketers ramp up their email marketing, reportedly increasing open rates by an average of 34%.

It uses data from over a million campaigns to predict open rates—simply give them 4 subject line variations and it’ll highlight which has the highest chance of success.

You can also automate the entire end-to-email email process by setting up email sequences based on your consumers’ website behavior.

Their in-depth dashboard gives you up-to-date insights into email performance, as well as campaign, form, and automation analytics—meaning you can make data-driven decisions with confidence.

All in all, it’s a wonderful tool for making sure that your email marketing is as fully optimized as possible.

Pricing: Automizy’s pricing is based entirely on your number of active subscribers. Its intuitive slider ranges from $9 per month if you have 200 contacts, right up to $119 per month if you have 10,000 contacts.

If you have more than this, simply enter the precise number in the ‘Contacts’ field and it’ll generate a price right there and then.


Description: Pattern89 uses AI to help marketers perfect their social media ads going forward. For instance, it’ll give you clear insights into what type of copy works best and which images to use, as well as allowing you to drill into the details behind what actually makes a campaign a success.

Their ‘Ad Assembler’ functionality mixes and matches millions of creative combinations to come up with ads that are bound to resonate well with your audience, while continuous monitoring makes sure that your ads are always performing to the best of their ability.

Price: Brands that spend up to $30,000 per month on Facebook ads are advised to go for the ‘Brands’ package that comes out at $1,000 per month.

Companies that spend up to $2,500 per month on advertising should opt for their ‘Enterprises’ plan, at $2,500 per month, while any company that spends more than this should get in touch with Pattern89 directly.


Description: Search engine / PPC marketing can be a goldmine, provided you understand your consumers’ search intent, how this changes over time, and how much to bid.

Fortunately, Acqusio can help with all this and more. It relies on over 30 AI algorithms to help with bid and budget management and provide local lead estimation.

Each bid analyzes all relevant data, including—among other factors—seasonality, day of the week, location, and delivery device. Make the most out of SEM and ensure that your spend gains the highest possible ROI.

Acquisio’s a really useful tool, whether you’re a seasoned PPC pro or are just learning the ropes.

Price: Acquisio pricing varies based on your monthly ad spend, the number of accounts managed within Acquisio, and the term of your contract. Their ‘Standard’ plan, suitable for organizations spending up to $70,000 per month and offering up to 40 accounts, costs $899 per month.

The ‘Professional’ plan offers up to 55 accounts, costs $1,899, and is ideal for organizations that spend up to $100,00 per month. However, pricing for the ‘Enterprise’ plan (their most comprehensive offering) is only available upon request.


Description: Vestorly’s AI-driven content marketing platform helps you deliver the right content, to the right person, at the right time.

In fact, Vestorly users save a purported 8 hours per week on content sourcing/creation, see a 300% increase in cross-channel engagement, and a 600% increase in website-generated leads. Not bad, right?

Vestorly helps you source relevant content that’ll resonate with your audience before tracking contact-level engagement to refine its recommendations on an ongoing basis.

It’s a great tool to help nurture your audience and lead them through confidently the sales funnel. With B2B buyers reportedly requiring an average of 7 – 10 interactions with your brand before being ready to purchase, this ability is arguably more important than ever.

Price: Vestorly does actually have a free option available to companies with fewer than 500 contacts. Their ‘Standard’ plan, which is built for companies with 500+ contacts, costs $49 per month.

If you have over 10,000 contacts then you’ll need to go for their ‘Professional’ plan which costs $499 per month. As with most other marketing AI software companies, their ‘Enterprise’ plan is customized according to your specific needs—so the price is only available upon request.

If in doubt, demo away…

Of course, it’s hard to accurately judge whether or not an AI marketing tool will be right for your business—that’s why demos are so important. Take advantage of free demos to ensure that you make the right decision when the time comes to invest in a new tool.

We hope that this pricing guide has helped you identify what sort of tools you might need and how much they could cost your organization. Are there any great companies that we left off the list? If so, drop us a note in the comments to let us know!