5 Traits of Top-Producing Teams

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5 Traits of Top-Producing Teams

Use These Methods to Drive Sales and Exceed Team Goals

Top-producing real estate teams don’t happen by accident; they operate intentionally and are so consistently fluid in their business that they make sales appear easy and almost magical. Sales growth occurs year after year, and team members are both happy and confident as clients are won and sales volume grows.

This kind of magic can happen for your team, too, by incorporating these five traits into your business practices and creating high-performing sales associates:

1. Daily and Weekly Team Meetings or ‘Huddles’
Football teams, high-performing restaurants and successful real estate teams all have this in common—they huddle up and keep their teams informed and motivated to operate at their best. Review what’s happening and what’s coming up, briefly cover necessary administrative issues (but keep the overall focus on driving sales) and give them something motivating to keep them excited about your business!
2. Individual and Team Goals
Have weekly and monthly goals for both sales efforts and results. Each day and week, your team members should have goals for calls made, listing appointments booked, contracts signed, etc. so that they know what they are working for.

3. Daily Tracking and Sharing of Success
Once goals are set, track and share the results—especially the successes! Top teams use gamification and leaderboards on a daily basis to help keep everyone focused on their individual listing and sales calls, conversions, appointments and newly signed agreements (listings and sales). Big wins that are tracked and shared build confidence in your team members, reinforce confidence and healthy competition, and can also be fun! Success breeds more success, so make it contagious by sharing results among your team.

4. Lead Generation and Follow-Up System
A big strength of many successful teams is a well-run lead management system. Lead generation should be part of that, so leverage your collective spheres and attract new clients, repeat clients and referrals through coordinated team campaigns. Even more importantly, ensure that your team uses a purposeful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to not let opportunities slip through the cracks. Sticky notes aren’t enough for top-performing teams, so this is an absolute must!

5. Relentless Focus on Appointments
Top-performing teams know that results come from effort. Being knowledgeable, honest and effective are all important traits of good agents, but none of that matters if you are not meeting with clients to put them into action. Keep your team’s focus on constantly gaining new appointments with clients—the rest will likely fall into place.

These five traits will help take your team to the next level and double or even triple your sales. Implement them now to create a consistent cadence of performance, accountability and overall team success. You and your team members will be glad you did!

To set and track meaningful daily, weekly and monthly sales activity goals (Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs), request my free “Short Term KPIs tracking sheet”, by
clicking here.

Sherri Johnson is CEO and founder of Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting. With 20 years of experience in real estate, Johnson offers coaching, consulting and keynotes, and is a national speaker for the Homes.com Secrets of Top Selling Agents tour and the Official Real Estate Coach for McKissock Learning and Real Estate Express. She is also an RISMedia 2020 Real Estate Newsmaker as an industry Influencer. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching strategy session or visit www.sherrijohnson.com for more information.