Why Businesses Should Invest In Auto Dialing Systems

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Technology has transformed the overall business operations in a short period. Customer engagement, for instance, has been made very easy and quite affordable for most brands, too. An auto dialing system is an example of many innovations that have been nothing but a blessing to both startup businesses and big companies.

Automatic dialers, as their name suggests, are outbound call center solutions that automatically dial customer phone numbers from a given list. These systems can also tell whether the call is being received by a live person. The software will, then, route the call to the next available agent or provide an array of self-service options.

Call centers leverage this technology to improve productivity, especially when the business is booming. Auto dialers also come in handy when running multiple marketing campaigns at the same time. Here are some of the benefits you might be missing out on if your business hasn’t invested in these outbound calling systems:

  1. Increases Agent Talk Time

Manual dialing takes a lot of time since a call center agent has to go dial customer phone numbers one after the other. It might not seem significant for startups with a small list of customers, but the impact is noticeable in big companies. Usually, call centers with manual dialers will only have 20 minutes or less of talk time per hour. As such, too much energy is channeled towards looking up and dialing phone numbers rather than talking to prospective customers.

One advantage that an auto dialing system, such as Call Cowboy, brings to the table is increased agent talk time. Since it does most of the work, agents will have enough time to talk and establish connections with various customers and stakeholders. In addition, the agent’s morale will increase immensely, which further improves customer engagement.

  1. Reduces Idle Time

On a manual dialing system, agents are usually forced to wait until calls are connected before they can start talking to customers. Sometimes, the recipient may not be available, which could leave the caller listening to busy tones, facing disconnected calls, or having to go through the answering machines.

It might seem like an insignificant amount of time when dealing with a few customers. However, when there are 20 clients to contact within a concise span of time, idle time could be a huge setback. This is where an auto dialing system comes in handy. Provided you set up everything correctly and train your call center personnel, this could be the solution you’ve been looking for to get rid of idle time. This system ensures that only the answered calls are transferred to the agents, and leaves voicemails when needed. Consequently, it creates room for more calls per hour, hence increasing agents’ productivity.

  1. Enables You To Run And Manage Multiple Marketing Campaigns

Unlike manual systems, auto dialing gives your business a lot of options to explore in the world of marketing. Normally, managers would have to employ more resources, including time and people, when looking to start new projects. However, most auto dialing systems come with software designed to run and monitor more than one campaign. As such, your business won’t be needing more resources.

The best thing is that you can get instant reports on how the new campaigns are faring and whether you need to make changes to the current strategies. A few year ago, these tasks were all done by employees, which, of course, increased the total expenses incurred by companies. Having a computer system complete this work with high accuracy enhances the growth of your business.

  1. Allows You To Monitor Real-Time Performance

As a manager, the best you’d like to know is how every sector of your business is performing in real time. Auto dialing platforms make this possible by integrating sophisticated features into your current system. As such, you’ll be able to check how each of your agents is faring with their tasks. So, how do you do this?

Well, the auto dialer technology has a feature that enables managers to generate daily or hourly reports. This data includes the call logs of every agent, recorded conversations, and generated leads. Using this information, supervisors can assess the skills of each agent based on the quality of their calls. As such, it makes it simpler for the managers to streamline operations at the call center.

  1. Filters Unproductive Numbers

It can be quite frustrating for the call center agents to keep calling unresponsive numbers. Apart from eating up a lot of time, it kills the morale of these employees. If immediate action is not taken, it could adversely impact your business’s productivity. It’s never too late to integrate a new tactic and advanced technology into your company operations. Auto dialing systems have been designed in such a way that they can detect numbers that are offline or unresponsive when called.

These dialing solutions have sophisticated software that scans through the contact list and separates the unproductive ones from the rest. For instance, fax lines and numbers that are on do-not-disturb (DND) mode are detected early enough to avoid wasting time. This feature also saves the effort that could have otherwise been wasted on calling these prospective customers.

  1. Enhances Self-Service

Sometimes, a customer may contact your call center for a simple problem that they can solve on their own. Inasmuch as helping them will be for the good of the company, this process could take up resources that could have otherwise been saved for other purposes. The self-service features, also known as the ‘press 1 campaign,’ provided by auto dialing systems, could come in handy in such situations.

Through this option, customers will be able to gain information about a product or service without necessarily talking to a live agent. In addition, listening to a recording helps the clients decide whether to go ahead with the call. Consequently, this system ensures that agents are occupied by qualified leads, hence increasing overall productivity.

  1. Increases Lead Generation

Self-service options not only enhances lead conversion, but also creates another channel for lead generation. Through the recorded instructions, a new customer will have an idea of how various products and services within your business work. As such, more clients will be attracted even before they speak to a live agent.

In addition, managers can import contacts from various sources and increase the number of call connections. With reduced idle time and filtered contact lists, the number of people contacted per day increases by a huge percentage. However, keep in mind that lead generation can only be a success if the agent’s lead conversion rate is impressive.

  1. Lead Conversion Ratio

The success of every marketing campaign depends on how many new customers have been brought on board within a given amount of time. Your call center personnel and technology play a big role when it comes to lead conversion. If agents get enough time and resources to research on the interests of the customers in their contacts lists, then this could be the beginning of a successful marketing campaign.

The predictive dialing system increases the number of customers contacted every hour by reducing idle time. In addition, it may display important information regarding the client before a call, which helps one to prepare beforehand. With this information at their disposal, agents will be able to ask relevant questions and drive personalized campaigns. As a result, it significantly increases the chances of lead conversion per call.

  1. Improves Overall Operational Efficiency

Another benefit of integrating auto dialing system into your company is improving the productivity of your call center. For one, the introduction of this technology means no more manual dialing. Apart from idle time, another call constraint that’s evident in the old technology is misdialing, not to mention call drops. These factors contribute to slow days at the office for most agents, and the result is low productivity within the business.

The new dialing solutions get rid of these drawbacks by introducing an automated system wherein a computer software does all recurring tasks, like dialing. All an agent has to do is talk to the prospective customers and work on improving their lead conversion rate. With such technology in place, agents have enough time to do their research before getting on a phone call with clients. Also, the number of calls received in a day increases significantly due to reduced idle time.

Final Remarks

Manual dialing is still common in startup businesses because, perhaps, there’s still no significant pressure from the customers. However, auto dialing systems bring with them a lot of benefits to both small and big companies. For one, these reduce idle time between calls, which is a common disadvantage in manual dialers. The amount of time used to wait for calls to connect or search for numbers is reduced significantly.

This technology also increases agent talk time, which, in turn, also enhances the lead conversion ratio. As such, there’s no doubt that integrating an auto dialer in your business will improve operational efficiency of your call center. It’s a morale booster for the agents, which is a recipe for customer satisfaction.

Author Bio

Gary Nelson has been in the blogging industry for decades. Gary was able to gain thousands of readers online through his high-quality, and very informative pieces. Besides publishing content on his own blog, Gary also collaborates with other online platforms to submit his articles.