How to Create a Digital Lead Generation Strategy for Your Business

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One of the most crucial components for a successful business in today’s age is having a lead generation strategy. By implementing a lead generation strategy into your business, it can singlehandedly increase your revenue and attract new customers on autopilot. So to break down the steps it takes to create your own successful digital generation strategy, we interviewed Billy Batt, Founder of Chrome Leads. His previous work has yielded millions in revenue through lead generation for his clients. In this article, we break down exactly what steps to take towards building your lead generation strategy.

What is Lead Generation?

Lead Generation is the process of attracting prospects who are willing to buy a product or service of a certain business. This technique has been used by marketers over the past couple of years since the advancements of marketing on digital platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Instagram. The process usually involves attracting a targeted audience via an offer that in turn leads back to a sales page, website, or some sort of transaction point.

Benefits of Lead Generation

The benefits of lead generation can span far past increasing your revenue. In fact, one of the bigger benefits in the long term is the increased brand awareness. The prospects that didn’t know who you were the day before might not buy right away, but they will now remember you as someone who offers that service/product when they need it. The more people who know who you are and what you do, the more potential sales you will make. On top of that, an effective lead generation system is going to give valuable insights on qualifying leads, whether you buy or don’t buy. This data can take you one step closer to identifying your ideal customer and how to attract more qualified ideal customers.

Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

Most novice business owners face the problem of not knowing what lead generation strategy to go with initially. The second biggest challenge they run into happens to be turning qualified leads into sales. The reason that they run into this issue falls under newbie business owners not properly training their sales team. Untrained teams cannot use qualified leads to effectively market their services or products efficiently.

How to Build Your Lead Generation Strategy

Run Ads – The fastest way to grab attention for any business today is a paid advertisement. By running Facebook and Instagram ads to a targeted audience, you’re increasing the eyeballs that your products or service reach without having to meet hundreds of different people.

Referral Partners – Referrals are one of the most underutilized forms of generating leads for any business. To understand the power of successful referrals find someone who has a ton of clients for your ideal market and set up a commission-based partnership as an incentive to get increased referrals.

Public Relations – Work towards getting a few features on various publications or even making a podcast. Nothing builds authority faster than implementing these into your business. On top of increasing your authority, it’s going to work wonders on being seen as a go-to in the industry.

Once you implement these steps, you will now have a better lead generation strategy than most businesses. From here, it’s important to hire an advisor or consultant that has experience with business and ensure that your business is set up properly. Now, rinse & repeat, and, most importantly, double down on what works. Opinions expressed here are the opinions of the author. Influencive does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and can not investigate relationships with brands, products, and people mentioned and is up to the author to disclose. VIP Contributors and Contributors, amongst other accounts and articles, are professional fee-based.

Nathan Ortega is a unique individual standing at 19 years old, that likes to seek out powerful influential leaders, to spread the power of influence to many that seek it. He does PR by helping Influential individuals such as Calvin Wayman, Brett Campbell, Asa leveaux , Louie La Vella, get on podcasts to increase there exposure, authority, and branding. Nathan’s idles are Chris Gardner, Robert Kiyosaki, and Les Brown, drawn by similarities that he has experienced in life, such as being homeless sleeping in the streets or a car at age 18.