7 B2B Lead Gen Strategies to Try in 2020

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Knowing how to get more quality leads is an excellent way of achieving success with your brand. Learn about seven B2B lead gen strategies.

Is your lead gen strategy ready for 2020?

Knowing how to get more quality leads is an excellent way of achieving success with your brand. But most of us fail to keep our marketing strategies up to date, which could be costing us leads.

Read on for seven B2B lead gen strategies to try in 2020.

  1. Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing is still trucking on, putting the hours in and bringing home the highest, quickest results for low costs. With over 40 years of service, it’s still up there on the podium of top b2b sales strategies.

Combine a segmented target list with a personalized, relevant email marketing campaign. Add in marketing automation and you’ll have a recipe for success. You’ll see an influx of relevant leads with actual buying intent come in.

Marketing automation connects to your CRM, sending out campaigns for you. It’ll send them out at the times you set, to the target accounts you tell it to without any manual input. This can save you and your employees a lot of time which you can funnel into more important efforts. Like lead nurturing and scoring.

  1. Social Media Marketing

Only having a social media account isn’t enough anymore. Using social media marketing to generate leads needs a precise approach. It can’t be one tweet a day. You need a strategy.

You need to guide your social media visitor to your website. Keep it simple, and limited to one click to get to your site rather than many, complicated steps. Let them click onto a landing page that’s set up ready for them to explore from there. And let them sign up for newsletters and email updates from your social media.

Always include a call to action (CTA). People like to know the clear steps on what to do next. For B2B your biggest lead generation social media site is LinkedIn. It’s where other industry professionals are hanging out.

Make sure you’re humanizing your brand to maximize your success. Join groups, comment on posts, and engage in chats, share useful, relevant content. Help others and ask for help, get stuck in, and connect.

  1. SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key for getting organic traffic via search engines. If you’re not getting traffic organically, you have to pay for it. Usually through PPC or social ads.

It’s more cost-effective to focus on optimizing each piece of content you put out there. Do keyword research and write descriptive headlines. Organize the article body with subheadings and don’t forget the alt text for your images.

To make the most of SEO, you need to make content that interests your target audience. Keyword research can help with this. There are sites you can use to search relevant keywords for your industry. When you hit search, you’ll get a huge selection of data on that keyword, as well as suggestions for related ones.

Keywords that have a high volume indicates a high-interest level. Focus on some of these to make sure your content is relevant and useful to your audience. But, keep in mind you’ll have a lot of competition with high-volume keywords.

  1. Facebook Lead Ads

Integrate Facebook Lead Ads into your strategy. The shift towards mobile hasn’t left business queries behind. 60% of B2B buyers used mobile when making recent purchases.

Facebook Lead Ads promote lead generation in the world’s largest social media outlet. So they’re important. This service launched in 2015. It came about because Facebook found that users couldn’t signal their intent to businesses well on Facebook mobile.

Their Facebook Lead Ads solve the issue by letting B2B users sign up for an offer with two taps. And they don’t need to leave the social network. It’s also highly customizable to help target your audience. But remember, this isn’t to replace your landing pages which are still essential.

  1. Content Marketing

If you want to improve your B2B lead generation this year, content marketing is a must. But, most B2B marketers don’t feel they have the time for content marketing.

Yes, it can take time out of the day, but if you’re not doing it you’re missing out. According to Hubspot, companies focusing on marketing and publishing 4 blog posts a week were 13x more likely to see positive ROI.

B2B buyers are always looking for solutions to problems. So, high-quality, valuable content is what will get them to your website, and it’ll keep them there. Publishing well, on a regular basis is a great chance to show off your knowledge and expertise.

  1. Have Some Gated Content

Gating your premium, high-value content lets you collect contact information from new leads. B2B buyers have come to expect gated content.

While most people expect to get simple content without having to sign up. 77% say they’d be willing to sign up for content like ebooks or white papers. Here are some tips for making the most of gating your content:

  1. Re-marketing

Paid search is one of the best ways to generate leads, and get people further down the buying cycle. Retail shopping generated 76.4% of its clicks via google ads, and B2B isn’t far behind.

A first time visitor will rarely become a viable lead. You can expect a visitor to come back up to 8 times before they sign up or make direct contact with a sales rep.

That’s why re-marketing is important for B2B buyers. It keeps your brand in their mind, by putting it in front of them again and again. For example, if a visitor reads a blog post on your site, they’ll see an ad on Facebook a few hours later. This reminds them of your service/product and will be more likely to convert.

B2B Lead Gen Is Always Evolving

The way your customers operate is always changing, so your sales strategies must as well. B2B lead gen isn’t just about finding a strategy that works for you and using it forever. To succeed you need to be constantly evaluating what you are doing and looking for new ways to improve.

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